This uses the combination of acupressure and stretches that allow for relaxation of the muscles and pressure to stretch the muscles. The muscles are stretched in a manner that removes tiredness and makes you feel happy. It increases blood flow in the whole body.

This traditional massage practice is unique as the body stretches in specific postures and moments that ensure proper blood flow and release tension from the body. No oils are used, and physical moments stir the body. Monks have used this technique for treatments for centuries.

This Massage is known to break muscle knots and release muscle tension. Massage oils and various massage patterns are used to warm up the muscles and relieve any muscle stress and tension. Perfumes made the environment more soothing with natural oils to relax the body and create new energy in the body.

A sports deep tissue massage is best for people involved in physical tasks. If you go to physical exercise, significant events, or training, the Massage will help you heal your stressed muscles and allow them time to regenerate. Herbs-based oils provide natural recovery at a fast rate.

This traditional Thai foot therapy uses Basalt bot stones that can stimulate the movement of blood in the legs and relax the nerves. Oils are added to help people relax and remove tiredness. It gives soothing relief from aches.

Sparadise Signature Therapy Sports Deep Tissue Massage

Rice and Oats Scrub Herbs & Honey Scrubbr

Thai Traditional Foot Therapy with Hot Stone / Herb Bun / Scrub

Dead Sea Facial Sparadise Signature Facial